A downloadable game


—— 卡尔·马克思,《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》第十一条

"Philosophers simply explain the world in a different way, and the problem is to change it."

-- Karl Marx, Syllabus on Feuerbach, Article XI



The revolutions of this day and age seem to have left us and have become a distant memory. We live in a seemingly depoliticized world, where the passion for social change and the possibility of turning the world upside down have been replaced by the consumption of everyday life and virtual digital experiences. Revolution, a word that once shook the world and guided the tides of history, now seems to be confined to movie screens or romantic narratives between the pages of a book. 

But is this really the case?    


Encore: 1884 is the first installment in Symphony Co-Creation Studio's Encore - History and Future Archive series of projects.


Encore: 1844 is a new paradigm interactive game that combines elements of education, exploration and choice, and interactive narrative. The aim is to create a game environment that both taps into historical memories and inspires future imaginings, allowing players to take back history, experience a conceptual self-revolution, and constantly explore the possibilities of different revolutionary paths in the past, present, and future, all through the participation of a second-person character in the game.





The game is set in 1844 Europe, focusing on the birth and development of Marx's theories, and through the combination of Escher-style surrealism and historical reality, allowing players to experience and participate in the social changes of that era.

In the game, you will be a young "Marx" and a number of "revolutionaries", in the 19th century Europe in the historical arena of the turbulent, you will experience the turbulence of the times.

You will experience the turbulent changes of the times, from ideological enlightenment to revolutionary practice by writing philosophical masterpieces, dealing with social challenges, and participating in decision-making at key points in history.

Through immersive gameplay, you will reflect on modern social issues and reshape our imagination of the future in a dialog with history.  

Development log

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